Research Prize

SwissRhythm Research Prize 2024

Call for Submission


To: All members of the Working Group for Pacing and Electrophysiology of the Swiss Society of Cardiology

Dear colleagues,

The SwissRhythm Research Prize will again be awarded during SwissRhythm, the annual meeting of the Working Group for Pacing and Electrophysiology of the Swiss Society of Cardiology, which will take place on 21 – 22 November 2024 in Lucerne.

The Research Prize is an initiative of the Board of the Working Group in order to promote research in the field of arrhythmias, pacing and electrophysiology in Switzerland by officially recognizing authors of high-quality scientific papers.

The Prize will be awarded to a young researcher born 1984 or later for the best scientific work in the field of arrhythmias, pacing and electrophysiology, in basic sciences or clinical sciences, published recently (since 1st of November 2023) as first (or co-first) author in a peer reviewed journal or in-press, for scientific work that has been primarily performed in Switzerland. A researcher can only submit one research paper.

The amount of the SwissRhythm Research Prize is 5’000 Swiss Francs.

It is important to note that the SwissRhythm Research Prize is intended to be awarded to a nominee based on the scientific value of the submitted work, and not on the scientific profile, previous achievements or future potential of the applicant or his/her team.

All researchers are invited to submit their scientific papers and a short cover letter by email to prior to the application deadline at 23:59 on Friday, September 13, 2024.

Yours sincerely,

PD Dr. Etienne Delacrétaz, president
Prof. Dr. Tobias Reichlin, vice-president
(on behalf of the Board of the Working Group and Research Prize Committee)

Research Prize Award

The SwissRhythm Research Prize will be awarded during the conference dinner on Thursday evening at the Hotel Schweizerhof Lucerne

Former Prize Winners


Award 2022

Oskar Galuszka


Award 2022

Nadine Molitor


Award 2022

Thomas Küffer


Award 2022

Alessio Gasperetti


Award 2022

Chloé Auberson


Award 2022

Andreas Haeberlin


Award 2022

Jeanne du Fay de Lavallaz